Prem Joshua’s international band – formed in the lively and chaotic witches cauldron of an Indian metropolis – today stands out as one of the most refreshing multi–cultural musical experiences to be found between Bombay and Berlin.
On this album, Prem Joshua & Band present the highlights of their 2007 concert tour. These live recordings feature seven new versions of Prem Joshua “classics” and two brand new tracks of Indian fusion music featuring sitar for yoga, dance and celebration..
With originality, virtuosity and confidence, the quartet creates a musical masala of Indian classical, jazz, funk and chillout… a music so masterfully yet playfully blended, that it has found a place in the hearts of listeners from the East, the West and beyond.
1.) Namaskar -6:39
2.) Jhule Lal -9:44
3.) Seven Bubbles In the Bottle -5:52
4.) The Subject Tonight Is Love -9:15
5.) Cosmo-Bali-Tan -7:31
6.) Mata Bharat -8:19
7.) Sky Kisses Earth -8:31
8.) Trust -6:12
9.) Funky Guru -8:13