Deva Premal & Miten
For over two decades, Deva Premal & Miten have been sharing their musical journey into mantra, meditation and love which has taken them from yoga studios to audiences of thousands, in concert halls, cathedrals and music festivals worldwide.

Musically, Deva Premal and Miten come from two very different worlds. Deva, German-born, classically trained, grew up in an environment imbued with eastern spirituality, where mantras were chanted as bedtime lullabies. Miten, from England, spent the 60's and 70s as a singer/songwriter in the heady world of rock 'n roll, recording with The Kinks, and touring with Fleetwood Mac, Ry Cooder, Lou Reed, and others.
They met in India in 1990 at the ashram of the controversial mystic, Osho. Two decades later, their shared journey into mantra, meditation and love, has taken them from yoga studios to audiences of thousands, in concert halls, cathedrals and music festivals worldwide. Sales of their CDs are approaching one million units.
Deva & Miten have received accolades from such luminaries as best-selling author Eckhart Tolle, who calls their music "pure magic." Hollywood icon Cher cites Deva's album, The Essence as "My favorite CD to do yoga to."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is reported to listen to their music during his private time and, when hearing Deva & Miten chant his favorite mantra at a private audience, exclaimed, "Beautiful music, beautiful…!"
Motivation guru, Anthony Robbins describes their music as "Passionate and powerful".
The practice of chanting Sanskrit mantras has long been a part of the Yogic tradition in India and Tibetan Buddhism. In recent years, like Yoga, chanting has moved into the Western mainstream, where it has been embraced as a joyful path to ease the heart and quiet the mind. Deva points out: "When you sing mantras, you enter a state of peaceful, vibrant and replenishing silence. Basically, that's why all religions and traditions have made so much of chanting in their rituals." She also notes that chanting mantras can be healing on many levels: "The Sanskrit language is energy based - it is sound medicine. It has a harmonizing and balancing effect on the energy centers in the body, both physically, and metaphysically.
For more information visit Deva Premal & Miten website.