“Having traveled down a road most would never dream they would. On that road I found the haunting sounds of the Northern Plains Cedar Traditional Flute. Coming from the urban sounds of American Jazz and Afro Cuban music to the river songs of the plains was quite a chance for me back in 1997. I never realized that these songs would reappear through the flutes of Colyn, which is why I revisit these cherished songs. It was his flutes that brought the songs alive again for me in such a blessed way.
I was honored to be included as an artist on the Makoche Records label, in Bismarck North Dakota. We recorded and presented inspiring and traditional Native Music. Excepting my own composition, “People of the Willows”, which was inspired by this tradition of music, I learned these songs from the flute masters Bryan Akipa, Kevin Locke, and Keith Bear. I love the haunting and plaintive melodies they created, and I was lucky enough to learn. I thank the masters for the time they invested in me – I spent ten years of my life working with Makoche and these artists in various ways. A time I will never forget, the music was never compromised, and it was held in high regard out of respect for the legacy of the people. My wish is that this recording can inform new listeners about the deep history of this music that is very dear to the hearts of the people who produced it. I will always carry these melodies with me.” –Gary Stroutsos
April, 2019 Pacific NW
1. Pumpkin Seed
2. Mandan Origin Song
3. Song for the Rocks
4. Sannish Remembered-Along the River
5. Grandfather Look at Me
6. Cherished Grandmother
7. Mandan Heartbreak Song
8. People of the Willows
9. Morning Song