Resonance, a modern masterpiece of soothing ambient soundscapes, was originally released by global elecronica legend Adham Shaikh’s on Sonic Turtle, his own indie label, in 2010. Black Swan Sounds is re-issuing the classic album in both CD and digital format – with the digital version enhanced with three previously unreleased bonus tracks.
Most tracks were at first conceived on piano – as Shaikh watched footage for which his music had been commissioned – and then fleshed out with myriad electronic effects to create the spacious sound he wanted to achieve. Through his extensive experience in scoring music to pictures, he noticed similarities between creating subtle, passive atmospheres supportive of the images, and the very essence of ambient music – a genre he had explored in his early recordings during the 1990s, preceding his metamorphosis into a global groove DJ.
Much of the material on Resonance was born from Shaikh’s extensive work scoring original soundtracks for varied film and TV productions, including projects for National Geographic, Disney (Sacred Planet), Canada’s National Film Board (Fierce Light), and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Secrets: A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Sexual Revolution, for which he earned a Leo Award nomination for Best Musical Score in a Documentary Program).
Over a period of three years, Shaikh worked on several films, amassing a collection of tracks quite different from his previous several albums. On some, inspired by his work on a Yoga for Cancer Survivors project, Shaikh intentionally sought to incorporate healing elements, “encoding” sacred geometry, the Fibonacci sequence and devotional chants from the Far East into his compositions. He observed forms in nature, using them as a basis for creating healing patterns based on natural growth systems. The collection elicited such an overwhelmingly positive response from colleagues, teachers, students, healers, yoga practitioners and parents (who reported the music’s calming effect on their children), that he decided it needed to be released. Its dreamy, exotic ambience sounds as fresh today as it did when first released, and Black Swan is proud to re-introduce this classic work to the public once again.
1.) Ambient Dream (Fierce Light mix) -2:38
2.) Dew Daisy -3:25
3.) Lost Dream (EarthPilgrim mix) -4:55
4.) Warm Hope (EarthPilgrim mix) -3:54
5.) Little Boats of Hope -6:10
6.) Om Shanti Shanti -6:13
7.) Gayatri Mantra (Deep Yoga mix) -7:30
8.) For the Heart of the World -4:55
9.) Mountain of the World -2:50
10.) Opaquealpytic -3:45
11.) Fibonacci Spiral Song -6:44
12.) Voices of Hope -2:52
13.) Satori (FierceLight mix) -8:28
14.) Embers (Re Ember Yoga Mix) [digital-only bonus track] -11:1515.) Whispering Waves [digital-only bonus track] -2:50
16.) Shiva Rag (Karma Yoga Mix) [digital-only bonus track] -11:53